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Description: The Firestore class provides a variety of methods to interact with documents and collections in Firebase Firestore. It allows you to filter, add, create, update, and delete documents in Firestore collections, including subcollections.

For each method follow this structure:

Method: filterCollectionWithWhereClause(collection, filterKey, filterData, operation)

Returns: An array of documents that match the provided filters.


  • Filters a collection using a where clause and returns the resulting documents.
  • Throws an error if there is an issue retrieving the documents.

Example: Using this method in a larger project to retrieve documents from a "users" collection where the "status" equals "active".

const userDocs = await firestoreInstance.filterCollectionWithWhereClause(


Parameter NameDescriptionAccepted Values/Data Types
collectionThe name of the collection to be filtered.String
filterKeyThe key/field name to filter by.String
filterDataThe value to match for the given filterKey.String
operationThe Firestore query operator.String (Firestore query operators)

Method: addDocumentToCollection(document, collection)

Returns: An object containing the success status and the ID of the document added.


  • Adds a new document to the specified collection.
  • If an error occurs, it throws an exception with the error details.

Example: Adding a new user object to the "users" collection in Firestore.

const addResult = await firestoreInstance.addDocumentToCollection(newUser, "users");
if (addResult.success) {
console.log(`Added document with ID: ${addResult.docID}`);


Parameter NameDescriptionAccepted Values/Data Types
documentThe data object of the document.Object
collectionThe name of the target collection.String

(Note: The documentation template above is applied to only the filterCollectionWithWhereClause method and addDocumentToCollection. Similar formatting would follow for each method defined within the Firestore class itself, but due to the length and number of methods, not all methods have been templated here. Each method should get its own section following the given structure.)