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Data Connectors

Welcome to the Data Connectors Overview! This document offers a detailed guide on the functionalities and capabilities of several Node.js classes, designed to enhance your development experience.

Firestore Class Overview

Class: Firestore

The Firestore class in Node.js is designed for robust interaction with Firebase Firestore. It supports various operations like querying, adding, updating, and deleting documents in your Firestore database.


  • Parameters:
    • props (Object): Contains the Firestore database instance.
  • Description:
    • Initializes the Firestore class with a database instance.

Key Methods

  • filterCollectionWithWhereClause(...): Filters a collection using a where clause.
  • addDocumentToCollection(...): Adds a new document to a specified collection.
  • updateDocument(...): Updates an existing document in a collection.
  • deleteDocumentFromCollection(...): Deletes a document from a collection.
  • getAllDocumentsInCollection(...): Retrieves all documents from a specified collection.

EmailRetriever Class Overview

Class: EmailRetriever

The EmailRetriever class in Node.js is tailored for retrieving emails from different email clients using SMTP configurations. It provides a streamlined approach to email retrieval.


  • Parameters:
    • emailAddress (String): The email account's address.
    • emailPassword (String): The email account's password.
    • emailClient (String): The email client hosting the account.
    • verbose (Boolean): Enables verbose error logging.
  • Description:
    • Initializes the EmailRetriever with email credentials and client.

Key Methods

  • getEmailsInFolder(...): Retrieves emails from a specific folder in the email account.
  • validateSMTPConfig(): Validates the SMTP configuration for the email client.

Additional Information

  • SMTP Configuration: Uses predefined SMTP settings for supported email clients.
  • Error Handling: Robust error management, especially for unsupported email clients.
  • External API Integration: Utilizes external APIs for email retrieval.


Class: DriveUtils

The DriveUtils class in Node.js is designed to interface with Google Drive. It handles authentication, file listing, information retrieval, and file operations using Google APIs.


  • Parameters: props (Object) containing various configuration options.
  • Description:
    • Initializes the class with properties such as client_id, client_secret, scopes, and keyFilePath.
    • Handles authentication for different application types (server, desktop, web).

Key Methods

  • getDrive(): Initializes and retrieves the Google Drive instance.
  • listFiles(props): Lists files in Google Drive based on properties like directory, mime type, etc.
  • listDirectories(props): Lists all directories or directories within a specific directory.
  • getFileInfo(props): Retrieves information about a specific file based on provided criteria.
  • getFileById(props): Retrieves a file by its ID.
  • getFileByName(props): Retrieves a file by its name.
  • createFile(props): Creates a file in Google Drive.
  • createAndOrGetContent(props): Creates or retrieves content based on a given path and other criteria.
  • updateFile(props): Updates a file in Google Drive.

Static Methods

  • getAuthUrl(config): Generates a Google authentication URL for obtaining access tokens.
  • handleAuthCallback(config): Handles the authentication callback from Google to get access tokens.
  • checkAndRefresh(config): Checks and refreshes the access token if it is expired.
  • refreshToken(config): Refreshes the access token.

Comments and Additional Information

  • The class provides various static and instance methods for handling Google Drive operations.
  • It supports different types of applications like server, desktop, and web.
  • The methods are comprehensive, covering from authentication to