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App Authentication

In order to connect to googleDrive you will need proper google app credentials. You can follow these directions to help you get started.

Visit this page:

You can find it from the google cloud console homepage by clicking "api's and services", then clicking "credentials" from the tabbed navigation on the left-side of the page that loads.

Once on the page, click 'create credentials' -> 'oAuth Client Id'.

On the resulting page you will have to select what kind of credentials these are. You may need to visit this page twice because:

If you want langDrive to access company resources through a private and secure server.

  • Select 'desktop app' as your 'app' type

If you want user authentication and googleDrive access using langDrive

  • Select 'Web application'
  • You will be asked to provide valid js origins from which the oAuth process will occur.

Common Options: http://localhost:3000 http://localhost:3000/chat http://localhost:3000/auth http://localhost:3000/auth/callback

Once your app is created, a popup will give your a 'desktop app' id and secret, and also an option to 'download json'. Either store the id, secret in your .env file, or provide a path to the jsonString, or even convert the json to a string and use that.

you need to point to the drive server file. be sure to rename it because the file comes in funny